3 Letters : (Re: Missionary work under new China’s Communist government)

檔案編號  :   A0030

檔案來自  :  1924~52中華基督教崇真會

檔案文字  :  英文

年份日期  :  1 Nov 1949; 3 Nov 1949; 4 Nov 1949; 20 July 1950

文獻編號  :  0001552-1554;1546-1551

檔案格式  : 英文信函3封 [4頁A4]

Category: Tag:

3 Letters : (Re: Missionary work under new China’s Communist government)

作者 :  China Inland Mission, London; Mr. S. C. Michelfelder of The Lutheran World Federation

收信 :  Rev. R. Murtz of BM巴色差會; China Inland Mission, London

3 Letters : (Re: Missionary work under new China’s Communist government) 討論各差會在華部署意向
1) BM巴色差會 to China Inland Mission, London
2) China Inland Mission, London reply to BM巴色差會 (Rev. R. Murtz)
3) The Lutheran World Federation (Mr. S. C. Michelfelder) reply to BM巴色差會 (Rev. R. Murtz), refering to Dr. Fredrik A. Schiotz, New York Office, Lutheran Orphaned Missions.

+ Memorandum : London Missionary Society’s Council Notes (A. N. 0126, signed by Frank Short)
+ draft note草稿