Invitation Letter from the Organizing Committee of the Anti-Gambling Association to BM

檔案編號  :   A0045

檔案來自  :   1915~24巴色會(總會)

檔案文字  :  英文

年份日期  :  Oct 1919

文獻編號  :  0001329-0001332

檔案格式  :   英文信函1封, 附組織章程 [4頁A4]

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Invitation Letter from the Organizing Committee of the Anti-Gambling Association to BM, inviting BM as a member of the Anti-Gambling Association.

Invitation Letter from the Organizing Committee of the Anti-Gambling Association to BM巴色會, inviting BM巴色會 as a member of the Anti-Gambling Association.
Attached with the ” Constitution of the Kwanhtung Christian Anti-gambling Association “