Letter from International Refugee Organization reply to BM

檔案編號  :   A0070

檔案來自  :   巴色差會(中國)

檔案文字  :  英文

年份日期  :  27 Apr 1949

文獻編號  :  0001694

檔案格式  :   英文信函1封 [1頁A4]

分類: 標籤:

Letter from International Refugee Organization reply to BM regarding “Repatriation of German nationals” & fail to give advice to BM

作者 :  Mr. George Hoague Jr. Director, Shipping Division, International Refugee Organization

收信 :  BM巴色差會

Letter from Mr. George Hoague Jr. Director, Shipping Division, International Refugee Organization reply BM巴色差會’s 26 Mar 1949 letter heading “Repatriation of German nationals” explaining the situation in China has deteriorated so rapidly that they are quite impossible to give any assistance and advice to BM巴色差會
