Letter about the Proposed Union Theological College in Canton & the Draft Constitutions

檔案編號  :   A0068

檔案來自  :   巴色差會(中國)

檔案文字  :  英文

年份日期  :  before 1914

文獻編號  :  0001691-0001693

檔案格式  :  信函1封 附章程草稿1份[3頁A4]

分類: 標籤:

Letter about the Proposed Union Theological College in Canton & the Draft Constitutions

作者 :  Rev. A. Baxter, London Mission, Canton

Letter about the Proposed Union Theological College in Canton planned to be started in the Autumn of 1914:Asking Missions & Chinese Churches to provide names of representative appointed to the Board of Directors to Rev. A. Baxter, London Mission, Canton;

The Draft Constitutions of Union Theological College in Canton.