Notes of Proposed Immigration of Chinese Settlers through the Basel Mission (to British North Borneo)

檔案編號  :   A0067

檔案來自  :   巴色差會(中國)

檔案文字  :  英文

年份日期  :  19??

文獻編號  :  0001690

檔案格式  :   移民北婆羅洲條款 1份 [1頁A4]

分類: 標籤:

Notes 移民條款 of Proposed Immigration of Chinese Settlers through the Basel Mission (to British North Borneo)

收信 : Immigration of Chinese Settlers to British North Borneo

英國借助BM巴色會協助中國人移民條款 Notes of Proposed Immigration of Chinese Settlers through the Basel Mission (to British North Borneo)
1) 10 Acres to each family;
2) $1 per acre premium;
3) Assist passage to Borneo & financial assistance through BM;
4) Temporary accommodation on arrival;

5) Supply seeds for permanent crop (coconut/coffee/pepper etc) in the first instance and give advice as regards planting;
6) $3.5/month/person for 6 months after arrival;
7) Each family would consist of from 4 to 8 people;
8) Give BM free grants for area for Churches, cemetries & schools and a grand-in-aid towards the upkeep of the latter;
9) Provide tools on arrival with cost
10) Allow each batch (10/12 families) to settle down with their clan ialready there who can speak Malay (and English).